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It's so cool that you made a video! Thank you so much for playing, hopefully you had fun!


The narrative was completely well done, gave enough to catch attention but left enough unsaid to think about on your own. The ambience is also great, with the footsteps and coloring and music. My only suggestion would be have an option to skip to the end of text, for all the fast readers. Great game with a great message!

We're really glad you enjoyed the experience. The skipping of text is definitely one of the features we would've liked to add while polishing but found ourselves lacking the time to do because of the deadline for the game jam. One of the things we will try to implement in post-jam updates. 

Thank you for playing!

Nice job. The music and the loud footsteps really make the character feel scared and along in the mines. Where the machine is already on with a loud sound just makes it creepier. The room where music was playing at the right most was the last part I visited and really gave me the chills. Cool game tho.